About us

Welcome to Apartmently, the real estate company that is changing the game in Tokyo. Our mission is simple: to make real estate accessible and transparent for everyone, especially for foreigners.
We understand that moving to a new place can be stressful and costly, especially in Tokyo where initial moving-in fees can be exorbitant. That's why we've taken a different approach to the traditional real estate model. We don't have traditional agents trying to sell properties and push their own interests. Instead, we have operators who help with the viewing and contract signing process. And we've automated all our processes so that we can save you money on agents and provide you with the lowest fees possible.
That's not all, at Apartmently, we go above and beyond by paying the guarantor fee for our clients. This sets us apart from other real estate companies and is a testament to our commitment to making real estate more accessible and transparent. Our innovative system finds the best options in the market and calculates the lowest fee we can provide for our clients, all through our comprehensive database of listings in the most desirable areas of Tokyo. Most of these listings have no key money or deposit, making the moving process as cheap as possible for our clients.
We're proud to be backed by E-Housing, a trusted and innovative agency in Tokyo, and our founders Aziz Nishanov and Erik Nasriddinov. E-Housing has been in the Tokyo market for 1 year and has already achieved great things, becoming one of the leaders in real estate for foreigners in Japan. However, as E-Housing focuses more on higher end properties, Aziz and Erik saw an opportunity to find innovative solutions for budget-friendly renters in Tokyo, leading to the creation of Apartmently.
At Apartmently, we value transparency and accessibility, and we are dedicated to making the real estate process as easy and stress-free as possible for our clients. Join us on our mission to change the real estate industry in Tokyo and find your dream home with Apartmently today.
Company Name

E-Housing K.K.


Date Established

March 2022


Jingumae Tower Building 14F, 1-5-8 Jingumae, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0001

150-0001 東京都渋谷区神宮前1-5-8 神宮前タワービルディング14階





Corporate Officers

Erkin Nasriddinov CEO

Aziz Nishanov CMO

All Rights Reserved. Apartmently 2023

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